Expertise in Art, Photography and Fine Art Printing
Canvas Art Plus is an expert in the following: fine art paintings, fine art photography, and fine art printing. We have been creating exquisite art for many years. The principles have over 30 of experience in these fields. We have assembled a team of artists and photographs, who combined have hundreds of fine art exhibited in fine homes, offices, art galleries, and institutions throughout North America.
Expert Artists
Their team of experts includes renowned artists such as Carol Decker, a conservationist and educator whose works have won numerous awards, and Ray Huffman, a master photographer. These two creators alone have images displayed in homes, offices, and art galleries throughout the country. This demonstrates their dedication to quality.
Expertise in Weatherproof Art

Canvas Art Plus is the only printer in the United States (as of this writing) that creates waterproof canvas art for outdoor use. That's a testament to their ability to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of fine-art printing. They create waterproof wood frames that use proprietary waterproofing methods found on outdoor wood structures in high salt-water environments. The waterproof canvas is created UV-rated inks that are literally baked into the canvas providing for many years of use.
Canvas Art Plus's unwavering dedication to quality and innovation has earned them a reputation as a leader in the industry. They're always pushing the envelope and exploring new technology to create breathtaking works of art that will leave a lasting impression. From partnering with some of the top photographers and artist to creating unique indoor and outdoor art, Canvas Art Plus have been considered a leader in the industry for its innovation and expertise.
Among our top artists is Carol Decker a long recognized expert in creating original paintings of a variety of Wildlife. Carol resides in the foothills of the Kittatinny Mountains and forests of northwestern New Jersey where she draws inspiration. Among her achievements is creating two ornaments us displayed on the Whitehouse Christmas Tree in the Blue Room and was honored by attending the White House Artist’s Recognition reception. In 2008 she was chosen as “Citizen of the Year” for her philanthropy and support of many charity and non-profit organizations with her art. In 1999 she won the International Migratory Bird Day Poster competition sponsored by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in Washington, DC. and won the Maryland Black Bear Conservation Stamp Design, a “First Place” New York City Salmagundi Club award, a “Best Of Show” NJ Wings & Waterfowl award, numerous finalists awards, and the New Jersey Woodcock Stamp design, and commissioned to provide the artwork for “Teaming With Wildlife”, a national funding initiative in Washington DC to benefit all wildlife and it’s habitats to mention a few.
Expertise in Photography & Digital Art

Our top-selling photographer is also a co-founder of the company, Ray Huffman. Ray has been capturing images for the better part of four decades. He was one of the first photographers to transition from film to photography long before digital became mainstream. As part of Nikon Professional Services (NPS), Ray is recognized as a leader in digital photography by Nikon, Adobe, Epson, HP, and others in the imaging industry. Many of Ray’s photographs are difficult to ascertain if they are photographs, paintings, or digital art, or a combination of each. Ray believes that if you like a piece of art, then it is art. We also utilize the latest in mirrorless cameras from Nikon including the Z9, and all of the Adobe imaging products including Lightroom, Photoshop and the entire suite of offerings. We are now blending Artificial Intelligence in some of its latest offerings. We are leading edge in imaging technology.
You are unlikely to find a better quality of fine art photography and reproductions of fine art than that is offered by Canvas Art Plus.